Front End Installation

LunchBadger UI

LunchBadger UI GitHub Repo

Quick start

# Run dev server
npm start

# Package a distribution
npm run dist

# Run headless tests, setting up the test environment via Docker
npm run test

# Run headless tests, but you have to set up your own environment (i.e.
# configstore, lunchbadger, and dev server need to be running)
npm run test:nodocker

# Run tests in dev mode (will start browser on your machine)
npm run test:dev

Tests run using nightwatch.js. Any arguments passed to the npm run test command will be passed through to nightwatch. To specify a test to run, for example:

npm run test:dev -t test/specs/datasource/memory.js

Deploy on staging:

  • each bugfix/feature should be developed in a new branch
  • a new branch should be forked from master and named in convention [bugfix/feature]/[issue-number]-descriptive-task-title
  • after all needed changes are done and tested locally, commit and push
  • in github create a new PR on this new branch, naming it with prefix Bugfix/Feature ISSUE_NUMBER
  • PR can be pending on code review, but it should be already published on staging for tests, so:
  • switch to staging branch
  • merge your branch into staging
  • open src/index.html and in 4 bottom lines increase rnd parameters
  • open src/index.js and increate version in console.log line
  • extend subarray below with new item, being PR name
  • commit and push those 2 files with ver or version bump comment
  • make sure, localhost still works fine, and check that staging works fine (so new UI publish will not be a reason when it was already crashed)
  • in a separate terminal tab, execute npm run staging - this will build a new staging (dev) version
  • when finished, check for your recent changes (when in doubts, check browser’s console for version number and/or PR id’s you put n steps 9-10), and reassign card for review and tests

Deploy on prod

  • it means, some new card(s) was already tested on staging and PRs has been code reviewed and merged to master
  • if you’re going to publish all recent cards merged to master, pull it
  • switch to prod branch
  • merge a brach(es), which you want to publish (just master, or separate bugfix/feature branches), into prod
  • open src/index.html and in 4 bottom lines increase rnd parameters
  • open src/index.js and increate version in console.log line
  • extend subarray below with new item(s), being id of newly merged PR(s)
  • commit and push those 2 files with ver or version bump comment
  • make sure, localhost still works fine
  • check that prod works fine (so new UI publish will not be a reason when it was already crashed)
  • in a separate terminal tab, execute npm run deploy - this will build a new prod version and upload files into cloud
  • when finished, do a smoke tests on prod that your newly published cards works fine (when in doubts, check browser’s console for version number and/or PR id’s you put n steps 6-7)


Build on react framework, with following major libraries: - redux for state management - mobx for state management of connections between entities - jsplumb for visualizing connections between entities - axios and graphql-request for handling api calls with backend - material-ui for form input elements - formsy-react for handling forms


Application business logic is divided into plugins located in the plugins directory:

  • lunchbadger-core - main application engine - it provides redux, plugin store and UI elements library
  • lunchbadger-compose - compose plugin providing API for managing data sources, models, sls functions and microservices
  • lunchbadger-manage - manage plugin which adds options to manipulate gateways, service endpoints and api endpoints
  • lunchbadger-monetize (future) - monetize plugin provides methods to create and manage APIs with plans and Portals
  • lunchbadger-monitor (future) - plugin that adds monitor panel to track API usage
  • lunchbadger-optimize (future) - plugin that adds panel to forecast future API usage

You can set which plugins should be installed during bundling container to main app in cfg/info.json

Config and feature flags

Config is located in src/config for dev and dist (production). It contains: - urls to all api endpoints - oauth settings for authentication on prod with WordPress Ultimate Member plugin - feature flags (booleans) for some functionalities, which can be displayed/hidden, depending on env (staging/production). For example, git access and uploading publick keys, may be turned on only for staging, and not production. - other env dependent settings, for example sls functions types (node, python, go, java etc)

UI elements library

Components located in plugins/lunchbadger-core/src/ui are components to serve atomic ui elements across entire app. Most of them are functional components.


Core and some plugins contains api services defined in src/services. For example: - core/src/services/ProjectService - api handling project - compose/src/services/DataSourceService - loopback workspace api handling datasource connectors - compose/src/services/ModelService - loopback workspace api handling models - compose/src/services/SLSService - api handling sls functions


Reducers are defined in each plugin in src/reducers folder, and combined into single store by core/src/utils/storeReducers script.

Actions are defined in each plugin in src/reduxActions.

Business login components

Business login components are defined in each plugin in src/components.

Core contains engine related components, about main app lifecycle, canvas, quadrants, canvas entities, header, aside tools menu, panels.

Each quadrant-related plugin contains components about specific entity type, dedicated form two view modes: on the canvas and zoom window.

Entity models

Each quadrant-related plugin contains models defining specific entity type, inheriting from core/src/models/BaseModel. They expose common interface methods: - create - deserializing data from backend api into models - toJSON - serializing models into data to be send to backend api - toApiJSON - same as above, but in case of sending data to express-gateway admin api - validate - validating form data on submit - update - on submit edit form data, after successful validation - remove - on remove entity


Each plugin contains plugin specific settings extensions located in src/plugs folders. For example: - src/plugs/tools - defines aside tool menu items - src/plugs/panelMenu - defines header menu items - src/plugs/quadrants - defines quadrants

Read more

Core and each plugin is documented with more details: - core - compose - manage - monetize - monitor - optimize